Finished !
Wishing a quick and complete recovery to the all victims of
the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in 2024.
At 16:10 on 1 January 2024, there was a magnitude 7.6 (preliminary) earthquake in the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
Many roads are reported to be sinking or collapsing. Rescue operations in the affected areas have been delayed because of these problems.
We wish our deepest sympathies to all people who are staying at home or in shelters in the cold winter days.
We also pray for you to rebuild the region with great strength.
What is TAYA Cave Preservation Executive Committee?
TAYA Cave is an Underground Built Heritage (UBH) site which is very unique in the world. It is more accurate to say that this cave is a 100% artificial, excavated tunnel. It is also very interesting civil engineering-wise, and is considered to have been built using very high level surveying techniques. When you visit this cave from a technical point of view, you cannot help but have a sense of some respect for the 'technical skills of the predecessors who dug the tunnels' and for the 'aesthetic sense of the people who sculpted the enormous number of reliefs'. This cave is a huge civil engineering heritage and our integral and precious intellectual property.
It can be said that climate change is clearly underway at present. The interior of the Taya Cave is considered to have been deteriorated and weathered in relation to climate change. In some of the world's Underground Built Heritage sites, such as the Lascaux and Altamira caves, due to degradation and weathering, they are now inaccessible to all but researchers.
The Taya Cave Preservation Executive Committee is a voluntary organisation whose aim is to preserve digital data in order to give this valuable Underground heritage to future generations, with the aim of creating an Area of Co-existence with the Underground heritage. We aim to become a non-profit organisation in the future. In order to protect this Underground Built Heritage, it is necessary to maintain and preserve the surrounding environment. To achieve this, we are considering how the Underground Built Heritage can coexist sustainably and self-governing with the 'satochi and satoyama of the rural areas near cities and the local community, culture and environment', and we are implementing various missions based on three axes.
Group name
Taya Caves Preservation Executive Committee (voluntary organization)
Representative name
Yasuhiko Tamura (Chairman)
271-1-201 Yabe-cho, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 244-0002
Contact address
Main activities
A multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary Taya Caves preservation activity based on the following three axes to create a digital archive of the Yokohama City registered historic site "Taya Caves (Taya Caves)" and pass it on to the next generation.
1. Basic survey to know Taya Caves
2. Community development for Taya Caves and the community to coexist
3. Creating people to foster Civic Pride
[1] 地下文化遺産 (UBH : Underground Built Heritage) :
通常、我国では「文化財」という言葉が使用されています。しかし、田谷の洞窟は地域住民による築造及び維持管理が行われた歴史を持ちます。「文化財」は英語で「Cultural Property」と訳されます。ここで、「Property」は、資産、不動産などの意味であり所有権を伴う財産という意味になります。そこで、私たちは、この田谷の洞窟のような人工的に築造された「地下文化財」を地域社会とのつながりがあってこそ成り立ってきた「地域遺産」と捉えるべきではないかと考え、「地下文化遺産 Undergraound Built Heritage (UBH)」と敢えて呼ぶことにしています。この呼称は、私たちと国際共同研究を進めている「イタリア国立研究会議(Cnr)」で使用されており、ヨーロッパでは広く使われている用語です。私たちは、「財」ではなく「遺産」と考えるべきだと考えます。そして、田谷の洞窟は、人工的に造られた地下空間であるので、この呼び方の方が適切だと考え、「地下文化遺産 Underground Built Heritage」と呼んでいます。
Beginning of preservation activity
保存活動のはじまり ~ 発起人挨拶 ~
When I was a child, my parents took me to various cultural assets, temples, shrines and other tourist attractions, but I don't remember much about them. When you revisit such places as an adult, you encounter completely different impressions and emotions. I think we have all had this kind of experience; it was such a revisiting of Taya Cave in 2015. Again, visiting this Underground heritage with a technical perspective, I found many wonders and impressions that made me pay more respect to the predecessors who worked so hard to build these caves. I wanted more people to know about this Taya Cave and felt that I wanted to take pride in the Taya region and pass it on to the future.
With the permission of the 'Josenji-Temple', the administrator of the Taya Cave, this conservation work was started as a volunteer initiative. This preservation work started by a complete amateur in cultural property, and after about a year of searching for experts to help us, we officially established a voluntary organisation called the 'Taya Cave Preservation Executive Committee' in 2017 and started the preservation work in earnest.
Today, with the cooperation of a very large number of people, from private specialist companies to university research institutions, we are able to continue our preservation activities in a 'foolish', 'steady' and 'speedy' manner. Furthermore, with the cooperation of the people in the neighbourhood, public primary schools and prefectural high schools, this preservation activity is moving forward in collaboration with a diverse range of people, from children to the elderly. Through these activities, we have been promoting this regional cultural heritage preservation activity as a flagship project for Japan's difficult future, linking 'community design' and 'people development' for regional development in order to sustain a rich regional culture for the next generation.
Together with our partners, we would like to continue to carry out diverse activities in co-existence with this Underground heritage. We would be grateful for your support and cooperation.
Executive Committee for the Preservation of Taya Cave
Initiator Chairman
Yasuhiko Tamura
Our Purpose: 3 Axes
活動目的 ~ 3つの基軸 ~
Our activities are baced on three axes.
3 axis of our preservation activities
-Three axes of conservation activities (purpose) —
Basic Researches to understand TAYA Cave for our future
Axis 1 : 田谷の洞窟の理解(未来につなぐ基礎調査)
We are carrying out 3 categories academical survey for understanding TAYA Cave.
1. Basic administrative survey
Survey of administrative materials at the time of registration of cultural properties (finished)
2. Academic Basic Survey
Multidisciplinary academic research on caves.
3. Basic Survey on Cultural Heritage
Basic research as a cultural property.
Basic surveys are carried out to understand the Taya Cave itself today. Various surveys are carried out, mainly scientific and engineering basic academic surveys of geology, cave environment, spatial shape, geographical position, topography and terrestrial Satoyama environment. In starting these activities, we first carried out a survey of administrative documents in the cultural heritage regime and also carried out a basic survey of cultural heritage, including photographic recording of all reliefs in this cave. We are carrying out various basic academic surveys with multidisciplinary researchers in order to understand Taya Cave as a 'superior structure built by human hands' and to re-evaluate the history and culture of this cave from a more technical point of view.
Regional Design of TAYA town for our future
Axis 2 : 田谷の地域づくり(未来につなぐ地域づくり)
Underground Built Heritages are integrated with the ground environment.
In order to protect the Taya Caves, it is important to conserve the satoyama and satoyama in the rural areas near the city that extend to the upper part of the cave. For regional symbiosis, it is necessary to consider regional design.
It is not enough to protect only the underground part for Underground heritage, such as the Taya Cave. The above-ground elements have a very influence on the underground. In particular, the underground water system is very important. So we need to protect the above-ground satoyama and satochi rural landscapes where rainwater soaks into the ground. Therefore, we have to think about creating sustainable regions. Furthermore, preserving the Taya Cave could also make the regional potential stronger.
The town of Taya, an area of rural areas near the city, has both 'urban problems' and 'rural problems'. It can be said that the existence of a dynamic Underground heritage such as the Taya cave there has a very advantageous content. We believe that the successful conservation and appropriation of the Taya Cave will be good for the area around Taya Town. This means that we believe that the preservation of Taya Cave and the creation of the region will be beneficial to both sides. That is why we must think about the coexistence of a huge Underground heritage and the regional community.
People Developments for our future
Axis 3 : 田谷の人づくり(未来につなぐ人づくり)
Outreach to people to establish the Civic Pride of Taya.
Civic Pride 醸成のための、人々へのアウトリーチ。
We must also develop future human resources. It is also an important goal to nurture such a "CIVIC PRIDE (local love)" that bears the community and cherishes this underground cultural property.
The Taya Cave and the climate FUDO of the area as a rural suburban area are very valuable resources of ours. We believe that in order to make sure that these properties are well inherited by the next generation, we need to do something to leave a legacy in people's hearts and minds.
In our activities, we particularly encourage young people to work together. By carrying out joint projects with a wide range of people, from primary school children to university students, we believe that many people will develop an interest in and pride in the Taya Cave and the climate FUDO of this region as a rural, suburban area. In order to achieve this, we would like to leave the underground cultural heritage in people's memories through our preservation activities.
Translated with (free version)
Our Mission : actions
ミッション ~ 具体的な活動 ~
We carry out the following four missions.
Mission 1 is basic academic researches to understand Taya Caves.
Mission 3 is to investigate the living and coexistence of Taya Caves and the local community.
Mission 2 is to reconfirm the comprehensive value of Taya Cave.
Mission 4 is an initiative to improve the people who create a sustainable future for Taya Cave and the region.
mission 1:Basic Researches 基礎調査
We are conducting three basic researches.
Outline of basic survey
Administration Research
① Administrative investigation
Survey for grasping the current situation through discussions with materials and public institutions when registering cultural properties (finished)
② Academic basic survey
Academical Basic Research
Basic survey for grasping the current state of the cave shown below
Geotechnical foundation survey (Soil property · Degradation · Weathering)
②-1 Geotechnical engineering basic survey (soil characteristics / deteriorated weathering)
We are conducting surveys on the soil characteristics of the cave ground and the environment inside the cave.
[Investigation cooperation]
・ Saitama University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Chiaki Oguchi Laboratory
Geography / Terrain / Spatial Basic Survey (Space Grasp)
②-2 Geography / Topography / Space Basic Survey (Spatial Understanding)
We are conducting an image survey to understand the integrated relationship between the cave space shape and the ground topographic space shape.
[Investigation cooperation]
・ Associate Professor Hayakawa, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
・ Professor Oguchi, Center for Spatial Information Science, University of Tokyo
Basic environmental survey (grasp of satoyama)
②-3 Basic Environmental Survey (Satoyama Understanding)
We are conducting a basic environmental survey of Satoya in the cave and above ground space.
[Survey cooperation] Looking for professional collaborators
Civil engineering basic survey
②-4 Civil engineering basic survey
We are conducting a basic survey of civil engineering technologies such as construction methods (construction methods) and construction tools.
[Survey cooperation] Recruiting professional collaborators (not started)
③ Basic survey of Cultural Heritage
Cultural Property Basic Research
We are conducting surveys on art such as history and relief relief.
[Investigation cooperation]
・ Associate Professor Ogata, Department of Cultural Properties, Faculty of Letters, Tsurumi University (Individual cooperation)
mission 2:Re-evaluation & Evolution 再評価と展開
After data acquisition, we will verify 3 viewpoints for the next generation.
Revalidation of
Underground Built Heritages
Digital data
precision verification
Verification of
utilization and deployment of digital data
Based on the results of the multidisciplinary basic research, the value of this underground built heritage will be re-evaluated from a unique perspective: the quality of the 3D laser scanning will be investigated carefully and, if necessary, a diverse re-evaluation of value will be aimed at, for example, applying for registration as a Civil and Geological Heritage Site.
mission 3:Regional Design 地域づくり
We aim to coexist with underground built heritages and the local community.
a preservation for Underground Heritage
a maintain of
Satoyama & Rural
Regional Design
Check Activities
Regional Basic Survey
In order to create a regional co-existence with this underground built heritage, we are conducting basic survey on the attractiveness qualities of rural areas near cities, such as Taya.
(Cooperation: Department of Architecture, Yokohama National University)
(Cooperation: Department of Architecture, Yokohama National University)
Regional Co-existing Projects
We produce returns for donations to preservation activities using a variety products from the satoyama of Taya. The products are produced by various organisations that provide support services for disabled people by local communities. We are developing joint projects between us, the satoyama and welfare.
( Wrinkle project )
mission 4:People Developments 人づくり
From Educational Outreach for Civic Pride establishment.
教育的アウトリーチから Civic Pride 醸成へ
Collaboration Activities
Civic Pride
Civic Pride
Check Activities
Correlation Diagram : Mandala of our activities
活動の相関図 ~ 活動曼荼羅図 ~
Our activity is developing Rhizome.