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Regional Collaboration Activities 
Regional Output

Regional cooperation activities
Regional output

for the people in the surrounding area of Taya Cave

Our achievement report session for residents around Taya Caves

Activity briefing session for residents around Taya Caves


Output to Region ​​

Regional output

We also hold events to make Taya Caves and Josenji Temple more familiar to the area. We are also continuing to make efforts to make it more familiar and widely known , including enlightenment of cave conservation activities.

We are also trying to make the TAYA cave and Josenji Temple more familiar places in the area. We are also trying to make the cave conservation activities more widely known.

Output Menu

Link to Seminar to Regional People

To the page of the regional briefing session

Link to Rakugo

To the rakugo page


Seminar to Regional People ​​

Regional briefing session


2017 Regional Report Meeting

2019-03-26 04.31.37.jpg

We held a debriefing session for conservation activities in 2017 by renting out the Chihide Center in the neighborhood of Taya Caves. Students from Saitama University reported on the basic geotechnical engineering survey, and volunteer high school students from the basic cultural property survey made presentations on the consideration of the recording photography survey.


  • Introducing Taya's cave preservation activities

  • Consideration of Horanai relief recording photography survey

Announcement by high school volunteers

  • Geotechnical Engineering Basic Survey

Presentation by students of Oguchi Lab, Saitama University

  • Small and large collaboration project model exhibition

Terrain model

  • VR / 3D image exhibition in the cave

The University of Tokyo Spatial Science Research Center

Ricoh Company, Ltd

[Simultaneous holding]

  • Providing handmade pot-au-feu

[Prefectural high school cooperation]

Volunteer high school student of Kanagawa Prefectural Kanai High School

  • Handmade hamburger sale

  • Sale of handmade sweets, handmade crafts, etc.

[Collaboration with employment support projects for persons with disabilities ]

Social welfare corporation Doaikai Liaison Kasama

Social welfare corporation visit house support center diameter

  • Handicraft sales

[Regional cooperation]

Chihide Small PTA Chikuchiku Corps


A briefing session on conservation activities in FY2017 was held at the Senshu Center near the Taya Cave.  Students from Saitama University reported on the basic survey on geotechnical engineering, and volunteer high school students reported on the consideration of the recording cameras survey on the Cultural Properties Basic Research.


  • Introduction of Taya cave preservation activity

  • Consideration of a cave relief capturing survey

Presentation by high school volunteers

  • Geological engineering basic survey

Presentation by students of Saitama University Oguchi Lab

Big topographical model

  • Cave VR ・ 3D image display

Center for Spatial Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Ricoh Company, Ltd

[Joint Contents]

  • [Joint with public high schools]

Volunteer students of   Kanagawa Prefectural Kanai Public High School.

  • [Joint with employment support projects for persons with disabilities]

Social welfare corporation Liaison Kasama  / /  Social welfare corporation HOUMON-NO-IE Support Center MICHI

  • [Joint with PTA of elemntary school]

CHIKU-CHIKU-Club of PTA of Senshu elementary school.


    2018 Regional Report Meeting

    2019-03-24 2018年度報告会講演写真.jpg
    2019-03-24 2018年度報告会写真.jpg

    The activity report for 2018 was held at the Chihide Center. We talked about the value of Taya Caves, which is considered from international joint research with a national research institute in Italy, and presented reports on research activities by high school students, university students, and graduate students. With interest in academic research reports, participants were exposed to a different surprise in Taya Caves.

    In the hall outside the venue, we exhibited a huge terrain model and a cave circular cross -section model made with 6th grade elementary school students in a small and large collaboration project . Flowers bloomed in stories of various types of regions, and valuable multi-layered information was gathered. There was also interest in utilizing 3D digital data.


    • Underground cultural properties and climate

    • Photographing method for high-humidity micro-underground space

    Announcement by high school volunteers

    • Geotechnical Engineering Basic Survey

    Presentation by Saitama University students


    [Exhibition contents]

    • Small and large collaboration project model exhibition

    Topographic model / cave slice section model

    • Preservation activity panel exhibition

    • Exhibition of 3D data utilization examples inside and outside the cave

    ​​ Professor Hayakawa, Hokkaido University


    A report on conservation activities for FY2018 was held at the Senshu Center.  We talked about the value of Taya cave, which is considered from international joint research with Italian national research institutes, and presented research activities by high school, university, and graduate students.  Participants were interested in academic research reports and touched on the unusual surprises of Taya Cave.

    In the hall outside the room, the big  topographical model and a cross section model of the  cave, which were made  by a sixth grader with university collaboration project, were exhibited.  There were lively discussions of various types of regions by participants. We were able to share multi-layered valuable information on the region.

    There was also interest in using 3D digital data.

    [Presentation contents]

    • Underground cultural property and the climate and natural

    • Photographing method in "high humidity / minimal underground space"

    • Geological engineering basic survey


    [Presentation contents]

    • Model display of a joint project between elementary school and university

    • Panel display of conservation activities

    • Exhibition of 3D data utilization examples of cave



    2019 Regional Report Meeting

    (Cancelled to prevent new virus infection)


    Regarding the spread of the new coronavirus, which has been rampant in Japan since January 2020, there was news that some passengers who returned home from the large passenger ship Diamond Princess using public transportation were re-infected. In response, we have decided to cancel or postpone the 2019 regional debriefing session.


    We are considering holding it again when the time comes to improve the situation.

    [Activities in 2019]

    • Geotechnical Engineering Basic Survey

    • TLS survey

    • SfM Photogrammetry

    • Cultural Property Basic Survey (Relief Record Shooting Survey)

    • Basic environmental survey

    Started ecological survey and water quality survey in the cave

    • Announced at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019 (JpGU 2019 Meeting @ Makuhari Messe)

    • Bilateral joint research (Italy)

    • Small and large collaboration project won the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award

    • Small and large collaboration project (regional disaster damage 3D map production) implementation

    • October Typhoon No. 15 started studying measures against fallen trees

    • Started studying measures for released bamboo grove

    • Started community symbiosis project

    Regarding the spread of the new coronavirus, which has been rampant in Japan since January 2020,  Due to the news that some of the passengers who returned home by public transport from the large cruise ship Diamond Princess were reinfected, the local reporting meeting for FY2019 has been canceled or postponed.

    We will consider holding it again when it is time to improve the situation.

    [Activities in 2019]

    • Geological engineering basic survey

    • TLS survey

    • SfM  photogrammetry

    • Cultural property basic survey (relief record photography survey)

    • Environmental Basic Survey
      Cave ecology survey / water quality survey

    • Bilateral joint research (Italy)

    • Award to Elementary School-University Collaboration Project by  Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

    • Elementary school-university collaboration project (3D map production for disaster-affected areas)

    • October Typhoon No. 15 fallen tree damage study started

    • Consideration of bamboo forest measures started

    • Start regional co-existing project



    Rakugo ​​

    Rakugo party

    2019-03-26 04.41.35.jpg


    The 1st Rakugo Party

    We invited Rakugo master Kosan Yanagiya from Totsuka Ward to hold a rakugo party at the main hall of the temple.

    ( Posted in Town News )

    [Simultaneous holding]

    • Preservation activity panel exhibition

    • Direct sales of morning vegetables (cooperation with neighboring farmers)

    • Sale of handmade bread and handmade crafts

    [Collaboration with employment support projects for persons with disabilities ]

    Social welfare corporation Doaikai Liaison Kasama

    We invited a comic stories teller, Mr. Yanagiya Kosen, who is from Totsuka Ward, and held a rakugo-kai in the temple main hall.

    [Joint Events]

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    2019-03-26 04.48.30.jpg


    ​The 2nd Rakugo Party

    The 2nd Rakugo event was held. This time, we welcomed Master Katsura Yonehiro of Kamigata Rakugo. Unlike the Kanto rakugo style, it is a rakugo with sound effects by hitting the lectern. Master Katsura Yonehiro is also a monk. The venue was filled with laughter.

    [Simultaneous holding]

    • Preservation activity panel exhibition

    • Direct sales of morning vegetables (cooperation with neighboring farmers)

    • Sale of handmade bread and handmade crafts

    [Collaboration with employment support projects for persons with disabilities ]

    Social welfare corporation Doaikai Liaison Kasama

    • Amazake free service

    The second rakugo-kai  was was  held.  This time, we  welcomed the Master, Katsura Yonehiro, from Osaka.  Master Katsura  is also a monk. The venue was wrapped in big laughter.

    [Joint Events]

    2019-06-9 落語会様子.jpg


    ​The 3rd Rakugo Party

    The 3rd Rakugo Party was held at the main hall of Josenji Temple. This time, we invited Kosan Yanagiya and his disciples again. It was a good rakugo story with laughter echoing in the cave.

    [Simultaneous holding]

    • Preservation activity panel exhibition

    • Direct sales of morning vegetables (cooperation with neighboring farmers)

    • Sale of handmade bread, curry rice and handmade crafts

    [Collaboration with employment support projects for persons with disabilities ]

    NPO Michikusa Michi Prasannu


    The 3rd Rakugokai was held at Seisenji Main Hall.  This time, we invited again Master Yanagiya Kosen and his disciple.  A laughter resounded in the cave, and it became a good rakugokai.

    [Joint Events]

    • Panel display of conservation activities

    • Sale of morning fresh vegetables

    • Sale of homemade bread and curry rice and homemade craft (by NPO corporation Michikusa Michi )

    • Amazake free service

    • Exhibit of the  cave slice  section model by the  joint project between elementary school and university

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